Managing Oracle Cloud VMware Solution using OCI-CLI(Part — 1)

Praveen Kumar
4 min readJul 3, 2021


What is OCVS?

Oracle Cloud VMware Solution allows you to create and manage VMware enabled software-defined data centers (SDDCs) in Oracle Cloud Infrastructure.

An Oracle Cloud Infrastructure SDDC base configuration has the following properties:

1. From 3 to 64 ESXi hosts on Oracle Cloud Infrastructure bare metal BM.DenseIO2.52 Compute instances

2. 156 OPCUs, 2304 GB of physical memory, and 153 TB of NVMe- based raw storage

3. A version of VMware software on each ESXi host

4. An subnet and VLANs in an Oracle Cloud Infrastructure VCN

OCL-Command Line Interface

The Oracle Cloud can be accessed with its web console or on the command-line using the OCI CLI. In this post, I will show how efficiently you can manage the Oracle Cloud VMware Solution using OCI CLI.

Below link outlines the steps to install & config the OCI CLI.

Once you install & configure OCI CLI, you can use the below commands to manage the SDDC.


1.Get = To get the specified SDDC’s Information

2.List = Lists all the SDDC’s in the specified Compartment

3.Create = Creates a Software-Defined Data Center

4.Update = Updates the specified SDDC

5.Change Compartment = Moves an SDDC into a different compartment within the same tenancy

6. Delete = To delete the specified SDDC

1. Get = To get the specified SDDC’s Information

  • Usage
oci ocvs sddc get --sddc-id [text]
  • Example
oci ocvs sddc get ocid1.vmwaresddc.oc1.ap-tokyo-1.8***********************************
  • Result

2. List = Lists all the SDDC’s in the specified Compartment

  • Usage
oci ocvs sddc list [OPTIONS]
  • Example
oci ocvs sddc list -c ocid1.compartment.oc1..*****************************************
  • Result

3. Create = Creates a Software-Defined Data Center

  • Usage
oci ocvs sddc create -c compartmentID --ad availabilityDomain --esxi-count NumOfESXi --instance-prefix ESXiname --nsx-edge-up1-id OCID 
--nsx-edge-up2-id OCID --nsx-vtep-id OCID --prov-subnet-id OCID --prov-subnet-id MGMT_OCID --ssh-authorized-keys pemfile --vmotion-id OCID --vmware-version VMwareVersion --vsan-id OCID --vsphere-id OCID
  • Example
oci ocvs sddc create -c ocid1.compartment.oc1..a***************************************** --ad ZVCk:AP-TOKYO-1-AD-1         --esxi-count 3 --instance-prefix demolab --nsx-edge-up1-id ocid1.vlan.***************************************** --nsx-edge-up2-id ocid1.vlan.oc1.ap-tokyo-1.***************************************** --nsx-edge-vtep-id ocid1.vlan.oc1.ap-tokyo-1.*****************************************  --nsx-vtep-id ocid1.vlan.oc1.ap-tokyo-1.***************************************** --prov-subnet-id ocid1.vlan.oc1.ap-tokyo-1.***************************************** --prov-subnet-id ocid1.subnet.oc1.ap-tokyo-1.***************************************** --ssh-authorized-keys ~/.ssh/authorized_keys --vmotion-id ocid1.vlan.oc1.ap-tokyo-1.***************************************** --vmware-version 7.0update2 --vsan-id ocid1.vlan.oc1.ap-tokyo-1.***************************************** --vsphere-id ocid1.vlan.oc1.ap-tokyo-1.*****************************************
  • Result

4. Update = Updates the specified SDDC

  • Usage
oci ocvs sddc update  --nsx-edge-up1-id NSXEDGEUP1OCID --nsx-edge-up2-id NSXEDGEUP2OCID --nsx-edge-vtep-id NSXEDGEvTEPOCID --nsx-vtep-id NSXvTEPOCID --sddc-id SDDCOCID -vmotion-id vMotionOCID --vmware-version VMwareVersion --vsan-id vSANOCID --vsphere-id vLANOCID

5. Change Compartment = Moves an SDDC into a different compartment within the same tenancy

  • Usage
oci ocvs sddc change-compartment -c compartmntID --sddc-id SDDCOCID
  • Example
oci ocvs sddc change-compartment -c ocid1.compartment.oc1..***************************************** --sddc-id ocid1.vmwaresddc.oc1.ap-tokyo-1.amaa*****************************************
  • Result

6. Delete = To delete the specified SDDC

  • Usage
oci ocvs sddc delete --sddc-id SDDCOCID
  • Example
oci ocvs sddc delete --sddc-id*****************************************



Praveen Kumar
Praveen Kumar

Written by Praveen Kumar

Cloud Engineer | VMware | Oracle

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